General Terms and Conditions of Arena Use

All booking must be paid for prior to use


Children (18 yrs & under) must be supervised by an adult at all times and must wear a current safety approved helmet when mounted.

  • Body protectors are recommended when jumping
  • All your horse manure & hay from arena, yards and parking area must be taken home by you. ARENA & YARDS to be left CLEAN after your use
  • Please report all breakages to management. Call/text Colette Barrow 027-5287063 to report.
  • Arena entrance gate to be CLOSED at all times.
  • Maintain safe practices and be courteous to others at all times.
  • All people accept that they enter the property and ride at their own risk.
  • Any unsafe or dangerous practices that are observed will result in expulsion.

Cancellation Policy

  1. For cancellations made more than 24 hours before your booking, no cancellation fee will apply.
  2. For cancellations made inside 24 hours from the time of riding, then full cost of arena booking hire shall apply. PLEASE NOTE: It is a condition of use of our arena that you agree to our Cancellation Policy. Use of the arena indicates your acceptance of this policy.

Liability Disclaimer

By hiring the facility you "The hirer" agree with the CEG to use the equestrian arena, equipment and yards ("Facilities") of the CEG on the following terms and conditions set out below:
  • The float parking, turnaround area and the cattle yards and the wider showground areas are owned by the Cheviot A&P Association. You must comply with their terms and conditions of use.
  • You acknowledge that there is a helicopter landing pad (Helipad) situated at the neighbouring Rugby grounds.
  • When an incoming helicopter is approaching/or leaving, all horses MUST BE REMOVED from the arena and ideally secured in the cattle yards until helicopter has gone.
  • You acknowledge that horses and equestrian sports can be extremely dangerous.
  • Horses can behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, or death to persons on or around them;
  • You acknowledge the possibility that you may have an accident while using the facilities that could injure yourself or your horse and others. You assume full responsibility for such a possibility.
  • You assume full and total responsibility for the horse you are riding.
  • Under the age of 18 years, you must have adult with you at all times.
  • You agree that you shall not hold the CEG responsible for any injury suffered by the Hirer, or persons accompanying you, as a result of the use of the Facilities.
  • You agree to indemnify CEG against any cost, expense, loss or other liability, which CEG suffers or incurs in relation to use of the Facilities by the Hirer.
  • You agree to inform CEG of any damage to the Facilities immediately upon becoming aware of such damage.